
A global forum of major economies

The G20 is a global forum of major economies (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America) and the European Union. It was started as a meeting of Finance Ministers in 1999 but was later elevated to a Leader’s meeting at the Washington Summit in 2008. The G20 discusses and responds to critical issues facing the global economy, including energy. It has no permanent secretariat, but rather operates with a yearly rotated presidency among its members.

Since the Pittsburgh Leaders' Summit in 2009, the IEA has actively contributed to the G20 process, notably on fossil fuel subsidy review and energy access. With the creation of a dedicated energy and climate working groups and the G20 Energy Ministerial, the IEA contributes to all energy work streams of the G20, including those on energy security, energy data, market transparency, renewable energy, energy access, energy efficiency and innovation and technology.

Energy end-use data and energy efficiency metrics initiative

The objective of the G20 work stream "energy end-use data and energy efficiency metrics" is to provide a forum for participating G20 countries to share knowledge and experience in collecting and analysing energy end-use demand and energy efficiency data including the strategies, approaches and methodologies that can lead to better metrics and ultimately improved decisions and more effective policies.

The initiative is co-led by the IEA and France through the French National Agency for Energy Management (ADEME).