GEF Global E-Mobility Programme

About the programme

The GEF funded Global E-Mobility Programme was launched at COP26 in 2021 with the IEA as one of the supporting executing agencies. UNEP has the overall responsibility for the Programme that stretches for 6 years with the aim to support low- and middle-income countries with their shift to electro-mobility. The IEA’s role is to lead the development of written and online tools aimed to build knowledge and networks around policies for electric light-duty vehicles and charging infrastructure and grid integration (Working group 4). The IEA is also, together with UNEP, responsible for tracking progress and disseminating the results of the project during the Programme’s implementation. One important area of work is the annual EV policy and data collection that IEA does for GEVO which since 2023 has been expanded to include the countries linked to the Programme. 

On this webpage, these knowledge products and other related analysis will be shared, which can be found in the left hand column. Other tools coming out of the Programme are available here.

The reports and online tools could not have been achieved without the financial support provided by GEF and with the input from many of the partners and experts highlighted above In particular, we would like to acknowledge the UN Environment as the lead implementing agency under the Programme and all their efforts with coordinating the preparations, planning and roll-out of its activities.

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