Central And South America


Association country

Energy system of Argentina

Argentina’s total primary energy mix is dominated by natural gas (55%) and oil (33%), with bioenergy contributing 5%, and hydropower and nuclear another 3% each. Argentina has the 2nd largest reserve of shale gas and the 4th largest reserve of shale oil worldwide. In 2019, the country produced 500,000 bpd of oil, of which 89,000 bpd was exported, but the country remains a net importer of oil products. In terms of power generation, Argentina relies on natural gas (65%), hydropower (18%), followed by nuclear 8%, wind (7%) and solar (1%). A set of public policies have boosted utility-scale projects in variable renewables, taking advantage of its rich solar and wind resources. The country has set a goal for non-hydro renewables to reach 20% of the power mix by 2025 and recent efforts have triggered increased deployment (2021: 12.5%).

Argentina is the world’s fourth largest lithium producer, a mineral critical for the manufacture of battery storage systems and, therefore, for the energy transition. Argentina is among the first Latin American countries to achieve universal electricity access, with a successful programme on rural electricity markets accelerating the connection of remote last miles users to the grid in recent years.