Search results for
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency Policy in Azerbaijan: A Roadmap
Energy Efficiency for Affordability
Improving people's lives through delivery of a modern, sustainable energy system in Kenya
Energy Efficiency 2023
Energy Efficiency Policy Toolkit 2024
From Versailles to Nairobi
Data sets
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Highlights
Free version of Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators database with selected data highlights that includes total final energy consumption by end use and a selection of end-uses and years. Please note that this product has been discontinued as such; the free data can be explored in the data explorer (
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators
Annual data from 2000 covering end-use energy consumption, now featuring end-use carbon emissions for the IEA member countries and beyond. The data is updated twice a year, at the end of each semesters.
World Energy Investment 2024 Datafile
World Energy Investment 2023 Datafile
Data explorers
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Data Explorer
Explore energy and emission data by country, end-uses and product, from 2000 onwards in four sectors (residential, services, industry and transport) for IEA member countries and beyond
Energy Technology RD&D Budgets Data Explorer
Detailed breakdown of public budgets on energy RD&D submitted to the IEA by its member and association countries
National Data Collection Practices
Methodologies to collect data on energy end-uses across sectors (transport, industry, residential, services)
Residential Heat Economics Calculator
Explore & compare the economics of different residential heating systems
People's Republic of China 2020 In force National
People's Republic of China 2015 Ended National