Solar Energy Policy in Uzbekistan: A Roadmap

Solar Energy In Uzbekistan A Roadmap

About this report

This Solar Energy Policy in Uzbekistan Roadmap is part of the EU4Energy programme, a five-year initiative funded by the European Union. EU4Energy’s aim is to support the development of evidence-based energy policy design and data capabilities in Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries, of which Uzbekistan is a part.

The main purpose of this roadmap is to guide policy making at all levels to maximise the use of solar energy in Uzbekistan, and to serve as a precursor for a national solar energy strategy. The government of Uzbekistan is invited to consider incorporating the actions outlined in this roadmap so as to enhance the use of solar resources into a dedicated solar energy strategy.

This roadmap primarily focuses on increasing solar generation in Uzbekistan's electricity mix, but also touches upon solar heat potential to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

The roadmap aims to help Uzbekistan formulate its strategies and plans for solar energy deployment across all levels of government. It is also intended to support and guide the activities of other key stakeholders.

The report begins with an overview of the key institutions and stakeholders in the energy sector in Uzbekistan, followed by a description of the wider context of renewable energy in the country. It then provides a summary of the policy landscape for renewables in Uzbekistan. After discussing the possible barriers to the deployment of solar energy in Uzbekistan, the report presents a roadmap for solar energy by 2030. It provides examples of international best practices in solar energy deployment from IEA member and association countries. It then outlines the policies and measures needed for Uzbekistan to harness the benefits of solar energy securely. These are presented as a set of overarching policy actions. The roadmap focuses on:

  • Maximising the benefits of solar energy in the energy system.
  • The policy and regulatory frameworks enabling further solar energy deployment in Uzbekistan.
  • Increasing power system flexibility to integrate the increasing amount of solar generation.

Finally, the recommended actions are a co-ordinated package of measures to implement to make solar energy the key energy source in Uzbekistan in 2030 and beyond.

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