Search results for
United States
United States 2024
Energy Policy Review
Biofuel Policy in Brazil, India and the United States
Insights for the Global Biofuel Alliance
Will new PV manufacturing policies in the United States, India and the European Union create global PV supply diversification?
Fuel economy in the United States
Data explorers
Energy Technology RD&D Budgets Data Explorer
Detailed breakdown of public budgets on energy RD&D submitted to the IEA by its member and association countries
Monthly Electricity Statistics
Highlights and data explorer of monthly electricity production and trade data for all OECD member countries and electricity production data for a selection of other economies
Energy End-uses and Efficiency Indicators Data Explorer
Explore energy and emission data by country, end-uses and product, from 2000 onwards in four sectors (residential, services, industry and transport) for IEA member countries and beyond
Natural gas is now stronger than ever in the United States power sector