Current and projected manufacturing output for electrolysers and domestic deployment in the Announced Pledges Scenario in the United States, 2021-2030 Openexpand
Average lead times to build new electricity grid assets in Europe and the United States, 2010-2021 Openexpand
United States c-Si manufacturing costs with and without the IRA Manufacturing Production Credit incentives, compared to China and ASEAN Openexpand
United States, annual heat deliveries to end-use sectors through district heating networks, 2000-2021 Openexpand
Electric car registrations and sales share in China, United States, Europe and other regions, 2016-2021 Openexpand
Price distribution of electric cars compared to overall car market in the United States, 2021-2022 Openexpand
Renewable capacity additions in China, European Union, the United States and India, 2019-2023 Openexpand
Indicative weighted average cost of capital for utility-scale solar PV projects with revenue in the United States, 2015-2020e Openexpand