Quarterly year-on-year change in crude steel and aluminium production in the European Union, 2022-2021 Openexpand
European Union CO2 emissions allowances, natural gas prices, coal price index, and variable electricity generation costs, 2021-2023 Openexpand
Cumulative electricity costs decrease due to solar PV and wind additions, and average European Union wholesale spot electricity price, actual and in no-RES-additions scenario, 2021-2023 Openexpand
Current and projected manufacturing output for battery and domestic deployment in the Announced Pledges Scenario in the European Union, 2021-2030 Openexpand
Current and projected manufacturing output for wind and domestic deployment in the Announced Pledges Scenario in the European Union, 2021-2030 Openexpand
European Union long-term trends and variability in average air temperature and heating degree days during the heating season, 1980-2022 Openexpand