Event — Chengdu, China

3rd IEA Unconventional Gas Forum


The 3rd IEA Unconventional Gas Forum, co-hosted by the IEA and the National Energy Administration of China, with the support of the Economics and Technology Research Institute of the China National Petroleum Corporation took place in Chengdu, China on 10 April 2015.

The Forum in Chengdu focused on the prospects for unconventional gas in China. It discussed the nature and extent of China’s unconventional gas resources, examined policies that could enable these resources to be developed and considered the potential impact on China’s energy outlook and on regional and international energy dynamics. At the heart of the Forum were discussions on the overall context for gas market development in China and on the social and environmental aspects of unconventional gas production, including public and private sector responsibilities in these areas.

The Forum itself gathered more than 100 high-level participants from governments, international bodies, industry, non-governmental organisations and academia from more than 20 countries, with strong representation from across the Chinese energy sector. The forum was informal in nature and held under the Chatham House Rule. Attendance was by invitation only.


09:00     Opening session

  • Mr. YANG Lei, Deputy Director, Department of Oil and Gas, National Energy Administration of China
  • Ms. Maria VAN DER HOEVEN, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
  • Mr. LI Ye, Chief Economist, National Energy Administration of China
  • Mr. LI Luguang, Assistant President, China National Petroleum Corporation
  • Mr. WANG Ning, Vice-Governor, Sichuan Provincial People’s Government

09:30 – 10:30     Session 1: Unconventional gas and global gas markets

11:00 – 12:30     Session 2: China’s unconventional gas potential: opportunities and hazards

13:45 – 15:30     Session 3: Policy aspects of China’s unconventional gas development

16:00 – 17:30     Session 4: Implications for Chinese and global energy development

For general information on the IEA Unconventional Gas Forum please see www.iea.org/ugforum