Global planned electrolyser capacity and estimation of additional renewable capacity by country/region Openexpand
Impact of high commodity price scenario on utility-scale solar PV and onshore wind investment costs, 2015-2026 Openexpand
Renewable and non-renewable heat consumption and heat-related CO2 emissions in industry, 2010-2020 Openexpand
Global growth in renewable heat consumption in the IEA outlook and Net Zero Scenario, 2021-2026 Openexpand
Average annual renewable capacity additions and cumulative installed capacity, historical, forecasts and IEA Net Zero Scenario, 2009-2026 Openexpand
European Union natural gas-fired electricity generation associated with Russian gas, 2011-2021 Openexpand
Concentrated solar power, pumped hydro and batteries, installed storage capacity in 2020 and 2026 Openexpand