Past and future energy investment in China in the Announced Pledges Scenario and in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, 2016-2030 Openexpand
Levelised cost of heating of residential heat pumps and alternatives in cold and severe cold climates in Chinese urban areas Openexpand
Levelised cost of heating and cooling of residential heat pumps and alternatives in hot summer-cold winter climates in Chinese urban areas Openexpand
Job growth by skill level and conferral of relevant degrees in China, the United States and European Union in the Net Zero Scenario, 2022-2030 Openexpand
Installed renewables capacity by technology in advanced economies and China in the Stated Policies and Net Zero Scenarios, 2022-2030 Openexpand
Installed renewables capacity by technology in emerging market and developing economies excluding China in the Stated Policies and Net Zero Scenarios, 2022-2030 Openexpand
Clean energy investment in emerging and developing countries (excluding China) in the Net Zero Scenario, 2019-2035 Openexpand