Lessons Learned from the Energy Policies of IEA Countries

About this report

IEA member countries are all committed to IEA “Shared Goals” of energy policy. Each country’s
energy policies are subject to peer in-depth review by a team of experts drawn from other
IEA members and supported by the staff of the IEA’s Country Studies Division (CSD). The staff of CSD
therefore have a unique “helicopter view” of the different approaches that member countries are
adopting to attain these goals. In 2008, for the first time, we invited them to carry out some
comparative studies in the belief that, for policy makers and managers facing tough energy policy
challenges, it may be useful to have a wider perspective of how the same issues are being addressed
by different IEA member countries. These studies do not necessarily prove that one approach is
better than another – though there are some cases where we think this is so – but they do provide a
wider international perspective.