Large-scale electricity interconnection

About this report

Large-Scale Electricity Interconnection: Technology and Prospects for Cross-regional Power Networks delivers policy recommendations for power sector interconnection consistent with an integrated vision for future power systems, from end use to distribution and transmission. In keeping with IEA scenarios, the report assesses the short- and medium-term technical, market, regulatory and policy measures, benefits, costs, and investments required to accelerate regional interconnection. As the report is centred around regional opportunities for interconnection, the IEA has partnered with State Grid Corporation of China, Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), Nordic Energy Research, the Commission for Regional Energy Integration (CIER), and the Inter-American Development Bank to provide a world-spanning analysis of technological prospects for interconnection, the current levels of deployment and mid-term investment potential, and the market and regulatory frameworks necessary for linking national power systems at much higher scales.