Climate Infrastructure Investing: Risks and Opportunities for Unlisted Renewables

A Joint Report by the International Energy Agency and the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment

About this report

Climate change and decarbonization objectives are driving governments and investors to consider clean energy investing. But do investments in clean energy make financial sense? This is the question that a series of joint publications by the International Energy Agency and Imperial College London have sought to answer. Our aim is to establish greater financial transparency and provide more data to help financial institutions and policymakers participate in the energy transition.

In our third joint report, we turn our attention to unlisted renewable assets to address these concerns. We examine their risks and returns globally, including in emerging markets and developing economies. Our analysis will cover the performance of an index representing global unlisted renewables, consisting of wind, solar, hydropower, and other renewables assets (biomass, geothermal, marine power, and battery storage).