Project "Energy Efficiency in Argentina" funded by the European Union

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 28 November 2019

The project focuses on the development of Energy Efficiency initiatives in several productive and non-productive sectors of the national economy, as well as actions related to the dissemination of information on the subject.


With this project, the Argentinian Government can capitalize on the previous experience that the European Union (EU) has developed in this area to improve the competitiveness of the national economy through the rational use of energy resources.



Overall objective: Receive support from the European Union to structure a more efficient energy sector in the use of resources.

Specific objectives:

  • Contribute to the fulfillment of the greenhouse gas reduction commitments assumed by Argentina in the National Contribution of the Argentine Republic by the Paris Agreement.
  • Develop a proposal for the National Energy Efficiency Plan.
  • Receive technical assistance to carry out demonstration pilot projects in energy management in industrial productive sectors, transportation, residential housing and public sector.


Financing and lead time

Non-refundable contribution from the budget of the European Union through the External Action budget for the total of EUR 4,309,100. Its execution period is 36 months, having begun in May 2018 and ending in May 2021.


Description of components

Component I: Development of an environment conducive to Energy Efficiency

Item 1: Technical Support to develop a proposal for a National Energy Efficiency Plan.

Item 2: Realization of a National Balance of Useful Energy, with surveys of the industrial and transport sector.

Item 3: Technical assistance for the development of regulatory frameworks.

Item 4: Joint annual events (EU-Argentina) on Energy Efficiency.

Component II: Implementation of Energy Efficiency pilot projects and capacity building in key sectors

Item 5: Implementation of 5 Energy Efficiency Learning Networks in priority industrial sectors.

Item 6: Study of financing models for Energy Efficiency projects.

Item 7: Support for municipal Energy Efficiency plans.

A. Pilots for energy certification of residential buildings.

B. Energy Audits in public buildings.

C. Energy Efficiency in the management of transport fleets.

Item 8: Joint event to search for EU business partners (matchmaking event).

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