Upfront Generation Tariff for Solar PV Power Plants

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 12 January 2015

In this determiniation NEPRA approves the upfront tariff for solar power generation (upto 10 MWp and greater than 1 MW). The tariff is adjusted for the geographical differences in solar irridaition and are as follows:

North Region: Rs. 22.0197/kWh for year 1-10 and Rs. 9.1325/kWh for year 11-25.

South Region: Rs. 21.1138/kWh for year 1-10 and Rs. 8.7568/kWh for year 11-25.

This tariff will only be valid for approvals given for the first 50 MW and projects holding Letter of Intent (LOI) from AEDB/provincial Government agencies will be eligable.

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