Decree on the Cut of Incentives for Photovoltaic Plants (Spalma Incentivi)
Art. 26 of the Law 116/2014 (the Spalma Incentivi provision) applies a reduction to the tariffs that have been awarded under any Conto Energia to PV plants with a nominal peak power exceeding 200 kW, with the following options:
A) Option A provides for a solution that was already contemplated by the Law-Decree: i.e., a reduction of the tariff by a ratio ranging from 17% to 25% depending on the residual incentivised period compensated by an extension of the incentivised period to 24 years starting from the date of entry into operation of the relevant plant (instead of the current 20 years).
B) Option B provides that, without modifying the duration of the incentivised period (i.e.,20 years), during a first part of the remaining incentivised period, the tariff will be reduced and that, during a second part of the remaining incentivised period, the FIT will be increased. The re-modulation ratios will be established by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development.
C) Option C provides for a flat reduction of the tariff, for the remaining incentivised period without modifying the duration of the same, equal to 6% for plants with a capacity between 200 and 500 kW, 7% for plants with a capacity between 500 and 900 kW, 8% for plants with a capacity above 900 kW.
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