National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 August 2021
Energy efficiency target declared by Malta under the EU Directive (2012/27/EU)Malta's indicative national energy efficiency target for 2020 is 22% reduction of primary energy (by 237,019 toe).Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency (the “Directive”) requires Member States to submit, by 30 April 2014, and every three years thereafter, their respective National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP). The Plan covers significant energy efficiency improvement measures, and expected and/or achieved energy savings, including those in the supply and distribution of energy as well as energy end-use, in view of achieving the national energy efficiency targets.Article 3(1) requires Members States to set an indicative national energy efficiency target. This document reviews and presents the primary energy consumption for 2020 as the target under Article 3(1), takes stock of the achieved savings and the progress towards achieving the indicative target since 2014. It also considers measures that are being implemented now and proposed for the immediate future.This NEEAP (hereafter referred to as the NEEAP 2017) is the second one being submitted by Malta to the European Commission in terms of the Directive and builds upon the 2014 version. The document is modelled upon the general guidelines in the Commission’s working document SWD (2013) 180 Final ‘Guidance for National Energy Efficiency Action Plans’.

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