Rule Book on incentives for generation of electricity from RES and efficient co-generation, Republic of Srpska
The Rule Book’s goal is to stimulate an increase of electricity generation from renewable sources, promote efficient cogeneration and increase their participation in gross final consumption of electricity in Republic of Srpska on the basis of provisions enclosed in “Decree on generation and consumption of electricity from renewable sources and cogeneration in Republic of Srpska”.
For electricity generation from renewable sources and for efficient cogeneration the Rule Book outlines as follows:
- benefits of connection to the grid;
- rules of preferential access to the network (dispatch);
- rule of compulsory purchase of electricity;
- guaranteed repurchase price ( feed-in tariff);
- right to the premium for the consumption of electricity for own use or sold in the market.
Producers of electricity from renewable sources and producers of efficient cogeneration are, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, eligible to benefit from one or more of the above-mentioned incentives if they: 1) generate electricity using renewable energy sources in an economically appropriate manner and with protection of the environment, as follows:
- hydro power plants up to 10 MW
- solid biomass power plants up to10 MW
- plant on farm biogas power up to1 MW
- wind farms and solar power from photovoltaic cells
2) generate electricity in an efficient cogeneration plant up to 30 MW;
Size of incentives is determined by the “Decision on the amount of the fee to encourage electricity generation from renewable energy sources and the efficient cogeneration”.
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