Renewable Energy Development Law 13.09
The 44 articles of the law establish core regulation mechanisms for the production and commercialisation of renewable energies. The law sets up a renewable energy deployment roadmap and renews the electricity auto-production framework.
Renewable Energy Targets:
The law includes specific targets for the second phase (2009-2012) of the National Plan for the Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (PNDEREE 2006-2012). Renewable energies to date represent 4% of the Moroccan energy mix (without biomass) and produce 10% of the total electricity demand.
The PNDEREE seeks to increase these shares from 4% to 10% and from 10% to 20% of electricity production by 2012.
Specific targets for installed capacity of various renewable energies over the period 2009-2012 are as established as follows:
- Solar PV: 20MW;
- Wind : 1440 MW;
- Concentrating Solar Thermal : 20 MW;
- Solar Thermal : 200 000 m2;
- Solar PV : 4 MW;
Electricity auto-production: The regulation also raises, from 10 MW to 50 MW, the private electricity auto production capacity. To be entitled authorisation to produce electricity, private parties need:
- A simple declaration for small capacities producing less than 2 MW of electricity.
- An official authorization for sites exceeding an installed capacity of 2 MW.
This production should be for the exclusive use of the producer and electricity surplus should necessarily be sold to the national electricity regulator, ONE. The purchase tariff is defined by a Power Purchase Agreement to be signed between the operator and the national utility. Third parties are also guaranteed access to National Grids and are allowed to export, through inter-connexion grids (Algeria-Spain), their surplus of electricity from renewable sources.
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