National Climate Plan

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Belgium is a federal state where the decisional power is shared between a federal authority and three Regions (Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital Region). The cooperation agreement of 14 November 2002 between the Federal State and the three Regions states that a National Climate Plan will be drawn up, executed, evaluated and reported to the UNFCCC under the Kyoto protocol. The National Climate Plan was adopted in April 2009. The measures outlined fall under 11 strategic orientations, of which six covered sectors: Optimising energy production; rational use of energy in buildings; industrial processes; sustainable transport; sustainable agriculture and forestry; strengthened waste management. The other five strategic lines are cross-sectoral: Increasing climate change research efforts; increasing climate change awareness; strengthening the role of the public sector; using flexibility mechanisms; and integrating climate change in development assistance. Besides detailing policies and measures, the National Climate Plan seeks to establish a coordinated monitoring system for its implementaiton, a national adaptation strategy, and a long-term post-Kyoto climate change strategy. The plan remains in application until the new National Energy and Climate Plan is adopted.

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