ecoENERGY Technology Initiative
The ecoENERGY Technology initiative is a five-year programme which funds research, development and demonstration to support the development of the next-generation clean-energy technologies.Key areas include knowledge and technologies for carbon capture and storage; new end-use technologies such as hydrogen and fuel cells, and for energy efficient buildings and industry; technologies for producing and using renewable energy from clean sources such as wind, solar, tidal, and biomass.The initiative will help provide the new knowledge that will be essential to support the regulatory approach to the governments Clean Air Regulatory Agenda.
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- Drive train or engine
- Building envelope technologies
- Space, water and process heating technologies
- Industry sector-specific processes and technologies
- Transport technologies
- Wind
- Solar PV
- Solar thermal heaters
- Marine energy
- Tidal energy
- Fuel cell
- Electricity generation and CHP technologies
- Heating, cooling and climate control technologies