Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 August 2021
The U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program serves to overcome the technological, economic, and institutional obstacles to the widespread commercialization of fuel cells and related technologies. The program works with partners in industry, academia, non-profit institutions, and the national labs, and coordinates program activities throughout four DOE offices: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Science, Fossil Energy, and Nuclear Energy.The program covers all aspects, both technical and non-technical, of an integrated hydrogen and fuel cell system. Technical barriers are addressed at the level of basic research, pre-competitive applied R & D, and technology validation and demonstration, with the research portfolio covering research and development on fuel cell technology, hydrogen production, delivery and storage, and manufacturing. Together with the development of safety, codes and standards, education and market transformation activities, the program conducts comprehensive system analysis and integration studies to ensure that program activities are well coordinated and that system-level targets are developed, verified, and met. To address infrastructure challenges, H2USA, a public private partnership focused on the widespread commercial adoption of FCEVs, was co-launched in 2013

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