PIVE Program

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The PIVE Program is an incentive program, launched by the Spanish NationalGovernment for purchasing efficient vehicles, including EVs/PHEVs. Theseincentives can be combined with buyer incentives provided by the MOVELEProgram, up to a total incentive of 8,000 EUR for the purchase of a vehicle.The PIVE Program is a car scrapping program, oriented at replacing old vehiclesby new and more efficient vehicles, including passenger vehicles (M1 category)that are more than 12 years old and light duty vehicles (N1 category) that are morethan 7 years old. Buyers receive 1,000 EUR per vehicle, which could be increasedby a 1,000 EUR additional discount realized by car manufacturers.The PIVE program started in October 2012 and has been running on differentstages, during 2014:Plan PIVE5: approved on January 24th, 2014, funded with 175 million EUR.Plan PIVE6: approved on June 26th, 2014, funded with 175 million EUR.Within the framework of this PIVE Program (from Plan PIVE 1 to Plan PIVE 6) ithas been acquired a total of 7,458 HEVs and 304 EVs/PHEVs from a total numberof 696.105 conventional vehicles (provisional data at 12/02/2015). Final estimatedresults of these plans are the replacement of around 711,000 vehicles with a totalbudget of 715 million EUR

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