Green Car Roadmap

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The government has previously announced its intention of making South Koreathe fourth –largest manufacturer of alternative fuel vehicles, including electric andhybrids. But in December 2010 it unveiled specific targets. These targets includeachieving by 2015:Ì 1.2 million “green cars” annual production, with 900,000 for export;Ì Green cars will make up a 21% domestic vehicle market share;Ì KRW 3.1 trillion (US$ 2.9 billion) in investment in additional domestic autoindustry investment between 2011 and 2015 into achieving the green carroadmap objectives, or more than double the KRW 1.3 trillion (US$ 1.2 billion)invested between 2006 and 2010.

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