Bonus-malus system for passenger cars, light trucks and light buses

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 24 March 2021

The Government and Parliament have decided on a bonus malus system for new passenger cars class I and II (motorhomes), light buses and light trucks. When it comes to Class II passenger cars, there is no upper limit on the total weight. The amendment applies from July 1, 2018 and only affects new vehicles registered in the Road Traffic Register as of that date.


Only new class I and II passenger cars, light buses and light trucks are affected by bonus malus. When it comes to Class II passenger cars, there is no upper limit on the total weight. The vehicle tax remains unchanged for the cars rolling on the roads today. By new is meant vehicles that become taxable (taken into traffic) for the first time on July 1, 2018 or later. (The vehicle must not have been parked before, either in Sweden or abroad.) For malus, the car also has vehicle year 2018 or later.


Bonus - for cars with low emissions:

Environmentally adapted vehicles with relatively low carbon dioxide emissions of up to 60 g / km, are rewarded with a bonus of a maximum of SEK 60,000.


Malus - increased vehicle tax:

Malus means an increased vehicle tax during the first three years for petrol and diesel class I and II passenger cars, light buses and light trucks.


The system entails the following changes:

1. The five-year vehicle tax exemption for environmental cars is removed. The vehicles that currently have a five-year tax exemption are not affected. But no new cars will be exempt from tax after the bonus malus has come into force.

2. The super-environment car premium is replaced by a bonus for so-called climate bonus cars with low emissions.

3. For petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles with vehicle year 2018 or later, an increased vehicle tax - malus - is levied during the first three years from the time the vehicle becomes taxable (taken into traffic) for the first time on July 1, 2018 or later.

4. For diesel-powered vehicles that are put into service for the first time on or after July 1, 2018, the fuel factor is replaced with a fuel supplement. The fuel surcharge is calculated by multiplying the total number of grams of carbon dioxide emitted by the vehicle in mileage by 13.52.




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