GREAT (Green Region for Electrification and Alternatives fuels for Transport)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Action is part of a Global Project aiming to ensure volume introduction of alternative fuel infrastructure and vehicles, decarbonisation of the transport fleet and transition away from fossil fuels. In the long term, the Action will provide experience and policy tools on cleaner transportation.
The Action consists of a study with pilot aiming to deploy roughly 70 triple standard quick chargers and three LNG/CNG stations, over more than 900 km of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor and the Core road network (in Germany, Sweden and Denmark). The exact locations of the stations will be defined during the Action.
In addition, based on the installed quick chargers and LNG fuelling stations, the Action will develop two studies providing business models and recommendations for policy measures in this domain. Open access and interoperability is guarantee. The Action includes also dissemination and communication to support the development of clean fuels.

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