Comparison Labeling for Domestic Fans

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 19 June 2020

According to the Electricity Regulation 1994 (Amendments 2013) Regulation 101A (3) any equipment that meets all the requirements of efficient use of electricity under subregulation shall be affixed with an efficiency rating label in such form and manner as may be determined by the Commission.


The energy efficiency rating and labelling program for domestic fans is opened to all manufacturers on voluntary basis. The ranking for all tested models is based on the Star Index. The least energy efficient products are labelled with a "One star" and the most efficient products with a "Five Star" rating. The "Star" rating for each model is shown by the comparative label that will be used for models approved by the Energy Commission. An Endorsement label by Energy Commission will used and only applicable for products with the approved "Five Star" rating. These labels would be affixed to the appliance by the manufacturers.

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