Law on Combined Heat and Power Cogeneration (CHP) and Waste Energy Potential

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
2005 Law on Combined Heat and Power (cogeneration) and Waste Energy Potential defines the legal, economic and organizational principles of business relations in energy with respect to the use of cogeneration, regulates the relations connected to the energy generation, transmission and supply of electricity and heat from cogeneration plants. The goal of the law is to create the legislative framework favourable for energy efficiency improvement in energy production, CHP development, increase security of energy supply at regional level and attraction investments to cogeneration.
Main goal of the policy if to create legislative framework and to facilitate: 1) improvement of energy efficiency during energy production processes; 2) development and application of CHP technologies; 3) improvement of reliability and security of supply; 4) investment in the creation of the CHP plants in Ukraine.