Central America - Panama Free Trade Agreement

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The Free Trade Agreement between Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama entered into force in November 2009. It provides for the full or partial border tariff elimination for most energy products, including : 

  • Electric motors, turbines and generators; 
  • Mechanical equipment including pumps, appliances, and other advanced machinery; 
  • Electric accumulators, transformers, capacitors, batteries; 
  • Motor vehicles; 
  • Mineral ore, slag and ash; 
  • Mineral fuels, oils and other products; 
  • Metals and their articles e.g. iron and steel; 
  • Semiconductors devices and photovoltaic cells; 

Rules of origin delineated in the Agreement include provisions preventing goods only undergoing minimal transformations in one of the signatory countries or incorporating materials of external origin valued above 30% of the transaction value of the good to benefit from preferential tariff treatment.

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