ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP)

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The ASEAN Member States and Japan signed the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) on 14 April 2008. The Agreement entered into force on 1 December 2008 among Japan, Singapore, Laos, Viet Nam and Myanmar. It then came into force in December 2008 for Brunei, January 2009 for Malaysia, May 2009 for Thailand, and November 2009 for Cambodia.

The AJCEP provides for the reduction or elimination of border tariffs, notably for ores, iron, steel, hydrocarbons, machinery, semiconductors and automotive parts.

Specific rule of origins applies to confer originating status in order to qualify for preferential tariff treatment e.g. wholly produced in the parties' territories, materials undergoing change in tariff classification or satisfying a minimum local value content of 40%.

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