Energy Efficiency Obligation

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
In 2008, South Africa introduced energy efficiency obligations to attain 294 MW and 1 204 GWh worth of savings by 2015. Electricity used in all sectors except transport are covered in this policy. All electricity public utilitie are oblidged to follow this legislation. Eligible energy efficiency measures can be applied to: lighting; shower heads; heat pumps; compressed air; drives; motors; ventilation; and process optimisation. Savings calculations are based on engineering estimates; deemed savings and metered savings. Eskom administrates M&V process and its Energy Audit Division contracts with universities across South Africa to conduct independent M&V assessments. Standard guidelines of measurement and verification of energy savings are given by SANS 50010, which was developed by SABS based on the IPMVP.