Agreement on the Establishment of a Free Trade Area between the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Government of the United Arab Emirates

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The Free Trade Area Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Government of the United Arab Emirates entered into force in 2003. It provides for a 10% reduction on customs duties and taxes on a number of products, including:

  •  Aluminium
  •  Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel" of a gross vehicle weight 

Rules of origin delineated in the agreement provide that, in order to benefit from preferential tariff treatment, products which have not been wholly obtained or produced in one of the signatory countries need to have a minimum local added value of 40%- eg. the value of non-originating materials they incorporate should not exceed 60% of the final product's price.

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