China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement

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The China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement entered into force in July 2007. A Protocol to upgrade the Agreement was signed in 2019;

As per the Agreement, Pakistan notably eliminated import tariffs for the following imports from China:

  • Lithium oxide and hydroxide,
  • Nickel oxides and hydroxides,
  • Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons,
  • Heat pumps.

As per the Agreement, China notably eliminated import tariffs for the following importsfrom Pakistan:

  • Coal
  • Petroleum oils & oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude
  • Electrical energy
  • Lithium hydroxide
  • Nickel oxides and hydroxides
  • Rare earth metals
  • Refrigerating unit and heat pumps

Rules of origin apply. Goods may benefit from preferential tariff treatment if

  • wholly obtained or having undergone a significant production process in one of the signatory countries
  • meeting specific regional value content requirements (for instance, 40% for motor vehicles)

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