Chile - United Kingdom Association Agreement

Last updated:

The Association Agreement aims to facilitate trade and strengthen economic relations between the two countries. 

It notably provides for the elimination of border tariffs for the following prioritized products: 

  • Agglomerated and reduced iron;
  • Alumina, scrap metal, ammonia;
  • Crude steel, aluminium;
  • Nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Solar PV modules, solar cells, solar wafers;
  • Polysilicon, battery packs, battery cells;
  • Anodes and cathodes, electrolysers;
  • Heat pumps;
  • Electric vehicles, ICE cars; 

The Agreement also includes rules of origin and local content provisions. Goods are counted as originating from each country if:

  • Wholly obtained rule: for goods to originate from a country, they must be produced entirely within the country, without incorporating materials from any other country.
  • Sufficient working or processing rule: goods may also originate from a country if they are processed in line with relevant product specific rules. 

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