System Stability Roadmap

Last updated: 5 August 2024

The System Stability Roadmap provides a roadmap for achieving a secure and robust operation of the power supply system with 100% renewable energy sources. The system stability roadmap was developed by the BMWK with the participation of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), transmission and distribution system operators, manufacturers, associations, standardization bodies and the scientific community and was adopted by the Federal Government in December 2023. 

The System Stability Roadmap identifies all processes and process enhancements that are relevant to system stability and shows which actors have to be involved for the implementation. The System Stability Forum under the leadership of the BMWK will accompany and coordinate the implementation process. The BNetzA will monitor the status of the implementation of the identified measures. The System Stability Report, that the transmission system operators have to prepare every two years from 2025 onwards, is an integral part of the monitoring concept.

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