New Source Performance Standards: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units

Last updated: 25 June 2024

The US EPA announced in April 2024 updated pollution standards for existing coal-fired and new gas-fired power plants. 

Guidelines for gas-fired power plants set two gradual phases, aiming at a large implementation of carbon capture and storage by 2032. 

Standards and guidelines for new coal-fired power plants on their end set new base load combustion turbines to have until January 1st, 2032 to meet an emission standard based on 90% capture of CO2 emissions. Existing power plants that have committed to cease operations by January 1st, 2039 will have a numeric emission rate limit based on 40% natural gas co-firing that must be met on January 1st, 2030, while those intending to run after 2039 would have to meet a numeric emission rate limit based on application of CCS with 90% capture by 2032.

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