Executive Regulation N°165 For Air Quality

Last updated: 25 June 2024

The regulation aims at implementing the air quality rules, standards, requirements and controls set in the 2020 Environment Law. It notably sets standards for air pollutnats by industrial activities, including combustion facilities.
Installations built before September 2005 follow the below standards: 

  • SO2: 340 ng/J
  • NOx: 86 ng/J (gas fired) // 130 ng/J (oil fired)
  • PM: 13 ng/J

Installations set after September 2005 follow the below standards: 

  • SO2: 340 ng/J
  • NOx: 43 ng/J (gas fired) // 69 ng/J (oil fired)
  • PM: 13 ng/J

The above estimates relate to electric utility steam generating units operated on fossil fuel with more than 250 MBTU/h (73 MW) electrical output, but the regulation set granular differences between industrial installations. 

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