National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPEE)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (NAPEE) is a private-public initiative to create a sustainable, aggressive national commitment to energy efficiency through the collaborative efforts of energy market leaders such as gas and electric utilities, utility regulators, and other partner organizations. The goal of the NAPEE is to achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency by the year 2025. The NAPEE is an ongoing effort led by a Leadership Group of more than 60 gas and electric utilities, state agencies, energy consumers, energy service providers, and environmental/energy efficiency organizations. DOE and EPA facilitate the work of the Leadership Group on the Action Plan. In 2005-2006, leading up to the issuance of the five main recommendations in August 2006, the Leadership Group identified key barriers limiting greater investment in energy efficiency and reviewed sound business practices for removing these barriers in an "Action Plan Report". The Action Plan Report details their findings and options for overcoming these barriers. This Report also includes the five key Action Plan Recommendations, which many of the Leadership Group organizations and others have endorsed. Since the publication of the Action Plan Report, the Leadership Group has asked DOE and EPA to prepare and issue, under its oversight and review, an assortment of guides, manuals, reports, and other documents, together with regional meetings, to help themselves and others implement the five main Action Plan recommendations. Taken together, all of these materials reflect in a sense the best practices developed and learned over the last several decades of experiences with policies and programs to deliver energy efficiency to electric and gas ratepayers. Upon completion of the National Action Plan, leaders will pursue these practices through their business channels, as appropriate, and will assist in the dissemination of these practices to key audiences.

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