T-MEC Foreign Trade Product - Bancomext

Last updated: 19 March 2024

Impulse T-MEC is a credit scheme promoted by the Mexican National Foregin Trade Bank (Bancomex). The objective of the programme is to help all sizes firms by granting short, medium and long-term loans to its participants to foster exportations within the Mexico-United States-Canada Agreement (T-MEC) framework. In terms of conditions, the upper ceiling for borrowing is MXN 30 million. 

Among the requirements to apply to the program are the following:  
- Legally constituted company.
- Favourable credit experience.
- Two years of operation and/or experience in the sector
- Not be in a technical state of dissolution, suspension of payments or in a state of insolvency

In terms of energy, the program is focused on supporting strategic sectors to improve their exports such as the mining-metallurgy sector, oil and gas, clean energy, and pro-electronic sector.

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