Economic Association Agreement - Japan and Mexico

Last updated: 19 March 2024

Mexico and Japan signed the Economic Association Agreement on September 2004. The agreement finally entered into force on April 1 2005. For Mexico, was the first trade agreement signed with a country of the Asian region. 

It covers most of the industrial products through HS sectors 25 through 97 including most energy products and its constituents including but not limited to: 
- Agglomerated and reduced iron
- Alumina
- Scrap metal
- Ammonia  
- Crude steel 
- Aluminium 
- Nitrogen fertilisers 
- Solar PV Modules
- Solar Cells
- Solar Wafers
- PolysiliconHS 
- Battery packs and battery cells
- Electrolysers
- Heat pumps 
- Electric cars and ICE cars 

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