Free Trade Agreement - Peru and Mexico

Last updated: 26 June 2024

Peru-Mexico Free Trade Agreement entered into force in 2012. It provides for the gradual elimination of import tariffs for most industrial and energy sector products, including: 
- Agglomerated and reduced iron
- Alumina
- Scrap metal
- Ammonia 
- Crude steel 
- Aluminium 
- Nitrogen fertilisers 
- Solar PV Modules
- Solar Cells
- Solar Wafers
- Polysilicon
- Battery packs and battery cells
- Electrolysers 
- Heat pumps 
- Electric cars 
- ICE cars 

Rules of origin delineated in the Agreement state that goods wholly obtained or produced in one of the Parties' territory, or having undergone there a significant production process, or meeting specific regional value requirements, can benedit from preferential tariff treatment.

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