Comprehensive Financing Support for Exports: Market Development, Financing, and Supply Chain Funds

Last updated: 20 May 2024

In August 2023, the Financial Services Commission announced the Comprehensive Financing Support Measures for Exports to provide additional policy funding and financing support for export-focused businesses. The Support Measures are intended to counter on-going disruptions in the global supply chain; and to boost Korean industrial competitiveness in newly emerging high-tech sectors such as semiconductor and battery industries. 

The Measures cover three major policy initiatives:

  1. Market development, financing, and supply chain support funds: 4.1 trillion KRW
  2. Domestic industrial competitiveness measures: 18.7 trillion KRW
  3. Regulatory support for export financing (e.g., extending loan periods, concessionary rates)

Specific measures included in the market development, financing, and supply chain support funds are:

  • Loan guarantees and preferential interest rates for businesses exporting to new and emerging markets (KRW 800 billion)
  • Funding support for collaboration between conglomerates and SMEs on the creation of domestic supply chain for export markets (KRW 1 trillion)
  • Designated loans for export-focused SMEs with low credit ratings (KRW 1.5 trillion)
  • Financing support for Korean businesses participating as vendors in large overseas projects (KRW 300 billion)
  • Capitalization of a Supply Chain Support Fund aimed at providing R&D, capital investment, M&D, joint venture activity, and export market entry support (KRW 500 billion)

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