Law 21305 on Energy Efficiency

Last updated: 18 March 2024

The Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Law defines vehicle energy efficiency standards for the new motor vehicle fleet, consisting of average energy performance targets. Compliance or non-compliance with the standard is measured with respect to the average (performance and weight) of sales of a brand or brand/importer. As an incentive to increase the supply of electric vehicles, the possibility of counting the performance of each electric or hybrid vehicle with external electric recharging up to three times in the calculation of this average is included. 

Light-duty vehicles are set to increase the fuel economy per liter of gasoline equivalent (lge) from a baseline in 2020 of 14.9 km/lge to 18.8 km/lge from 2024 to 2026, increasing to 22.8 km/lge from 2027 to 2029, and to 28.9 km/lge in 2030.

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