India-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement

Last updated: 5 June 2024

The India-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement is a multilateral free trade agreement which came into force on January 1, 2010.
The agreement liberalized tariffs on 90% of goods, including most energy products and their intermediates such as critical minerals, primary cells, batteries and accumulators, photovoltaic cells and modules, nuclear reactors, and hydraulic turbines amongst others.

Under the Agreement rules of origin, “minerals and other naturally occurring substances” are considered wholly obtained or produced in the originating territory of the relevant party. All other goods not considered wholly obtained or produced are considered originating provided:

  • Non-originating materials used in the production of the good have undergone a tariff reclassification under the tariff sub-heading level of the Harmonized System
  • The qualifying value content of the good does not exceed more than 35% of the Free On Board value

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