Re-opening of the Coal Export

Last updated: 10 June 2024

On January 31 2022, the Indonesian Government through the Ministry of Trade issued a Regulation Number 40 of 2022 concerning Reopening of the Coal Ban. The government has release this information in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 52.pers/04/sji/2022.
Previously, Indonesia had banned coal exports for a month to guarantee coal supplies to national power plants. With the reopening of coal exports, starting February 1 2022, the government will reopen coal exports for companies that have fulfilled the requirements and/or are willing to pay fines or related compensation in accordance with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree Number 13.K /HK.021/MEM.B/2022. 

Exports are permitted based on several criteria as follows:

  • For companies that have fulfilled the 2021 Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) of 100% or more
  • For companies that have not fulfilled the 2021 DMO by 100% and have submitted a statement agreeing to pay the 2021 DMO shortfall
  • For companies that do not have DMO requirements in 2021 (plan or realization of zero ton production in 2021)

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