Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act - Output Based Pricing System Regulations

Last updated: 8 August 2024

The Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS) Regulations were established under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act to implement a pricing mechanism for GHG emissions from the industrial sector. This system applies to industrial operators of facilities whose greenhouse gas emissions equal or exceed 50kt CO2e per year in provinces that do not have an equivalent carbon pricing system of their own. 

Under OBPS Regulations, facilities must report quantified GHG emissions for the following emission types: stationary fuel combustion emissions, industrial process emissions, industrial product use emissions, venting emissions, flaring emissions, leakage emissions, on-site transportation emissions, waste emissions and wastewater emissions. For emissions that exceed the established annual emissions limit, facilities are required to either make an excess emissions charge payment electronically to the Receiver General for Canada or remit compliance units, namely surplus credits, federal offset credits, or other recognized units. 

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