Chile-Australia Free Trade Agreement

Last updated: 12 June 2024

In the beginning of 2009, the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement entered into force. The agreement covers goods, services, and investment trade flows. 

The Agreement eliminates tariffs on a majority of goods, including:

  • Agglomerated and reduced iron;
  • Alumina, scrap metal, and ammonia;
  • Crude steel, aluminium, nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Solar PV modules, solar cells, solar wafers, polysilicon, 
  • Battery packs, battery cells, anodes and cathodes;
  • Electrolyzes, heat pumps, electric vehicles, ICE car; 

The Agreement also includes rules of origin and local content provisions. Goods are counted as originating from each country if:

  • They meet a minimum regional value content specified for each good
  • Total value of non-originating materials does not exceed 10 to25 percent of the customs value of the final good. 

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