Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement (2022 Update): Turkmenistan

Last updated: 8 April 2024

Turkmenistan's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) reflects a 20% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 under the business-as-usual scenario compared to 2010 emissions. The NDC notes that the national government pays special attention to reducing methane emissions and welcomes the announcement of the Global Methane Pledge. The NDC states that one of the country's priority measures is to reduce emissions in the field of production, specifically in the consumption and transportation of hydrocarbons (including the prevention of methane leaks).
The priority objectives for improving technological and economic efficiency in the oil and gas sector include large-scale introduction of new advanced energy-efficient technologies and the latest scientific achievements in the entire production cycle: from exploration, development and exploitation of oil and gas fields to the transportation, storage and use of oil and gas. The main activities on reduction of GHG emissions in oil and gas sector include: 

  • further improvement of pollutant emission monitoring methods;
  • use of automatic emission leak detection systems;
  • reduction of leaks and skips on trunk oil and gas pipelines; 
  • reduction of leaks in low and medium pressure gas distribution networks; 
  • timely repair and replacement of in-field and trunk oil and gas pipeline equipment; and
  • modernisation of flaring facilities, introduction of new equipment and technologies for associated gas utilisation at oil fields, including for the enterprises' own needs.

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