Strengthen the management capacity of the energy sector (Policy no. 6, Maldives National Energy Policy and Strategy 2010)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Background: The existing legal framework requires improvement to cater to the evolving energy sector particularly with respect to meeting goals set out for renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency and energy conservation. Specific regulation for governing areas such as independent power generation, and the pricing and the use of renewable energy technologies are currectly not in place. Therefore, formulation of a Maldives Energy Act, a Maldives Hydrocarbon Exporation Act, Maldives Energy Standards and incorporation of energy efficiency and conservation measures into the national building code is critical.Likewise, institutions in the energy sector are weak in terms of technical capacity to effectively deliver technical and regulatory functions for a vibrant energy sector. Hence, it is important that the regulatory and policy making institutions are developed with defined roles and responsibilities and the technical capabilities to perform their functions.
1. Improve the capacity of the ministry that is mandated for the energy sector in a sustainable manner ensuring continutiy of capacity development to strengthen the ministry in developing integrated long-term energy plans and conducting policy analysis for the energy sector.2. Improve the capacity within the utility companies to enhance and expand their contribution to energy supply development. 3. Develop and manage a national energy data base.4. Develop management capabilities of the energy sector institutions through appropriate training, empowerment and proper delegation of authority.
Major Aim: To strengthen the institutional and legal framework of the energy sectorAchievement: Establishment of a separate ministry and regulatory authority for the energy sector. Also a dedicated energy department was formed under the ministry in 2012. Progress has been made in the sector since the formation of these two institutions to implement the policies and to regulate the sector.
Stakeholders: The lead agency for the energy secor is the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE). There is a separate regulatory body called the Maldives Energy Authority (MEA). MEE and MEA needs to develop local capacity to manage the energy sector effectively and to keep abreast with technological developments and good governance practices. There is insufficient capacity as the needs of these two institutions have not been regularly assessed or catered for. MEA is severely understaffed.

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